Bindu Point was an eighteen month collaboration with digital media artist Martin Franklin, utilising movement triggered generative audio systems
In 2004 the project was awarded Research and Development funding from the Arts Council of England to allow us to experiment with creating multi-dimensional, responsive environments that use the possibilities of digital technology and real time signal processing to extend live performance
The resulting installations used trance-state improvisational movement to set in motion generative audio and chaos driven video feedback, to create a constantly evolving immersive environment of swirling electronic drones and images

Bindu Point was performed at the Out There Festival in July 2004, the Sonorities Festival at the Sonic Arts Research Centre, Belfast and the 8th International Generative Art Conference, Politecnico di Milano University, Milan 2005
Video documentation from the first performance of Bindu Point was screened at the ePerformance & Plug-ins Festival, School of Media, Film and Theatre, University of New South Wales, Sydney and the INPORT Video Performance Festival, Tallinn, Estonia 2005
Screening copy available on DVD by request
Bindu Point (excerpt)